Subsidy Application Form The organizer has set up a subsidy plan to support monastics and participants with financial difficulties. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 3【Subsidy Plan】 ▎The organizer has set up a subsidy plan to support monastics and participants with financial difficulties. ▎Those who apply for subsidy will only need to pay RM380/each (twin bedroom). ▎The organizer will subsidize RM330 for each applicant. If the application numbers exceed the limit that can be undertaken by the organizer, the organizer will have to review the applicant’s details. ▎The organizer reserves the right to reject those who are not eligible for application. ▎If your financial ability permits, please donate an opportunity to those who really need it. ▎If you want to apply for one of the subsidized places please provide the following information so that the organizer can approve your subsidized application. Next Page ⇾Student ID *English Name (Please fill in your name according to your passport or identification card) *Chinese NameGender *MaleFemaleEmail *Occupation *1. Do you have a fixed monthly income? For example: pension, rental income *YesNo2. Are you a recipient of financial assistance from the Malaysian Ministry of Welfare or from the Welfare Department of another country? *YesNo3. Is it your responsibility to take care of your parents and family members? *YesNo4. If the subsidy is limited, please describe why you should receive this subsidy? *⇽ Previous PageNext Page ⇾Thank you for your patience in answering the above questions. Please submit your form. We will review your application and let you know of our decision as soon as possible. ▎I hereby declare that all information provided by me is true and I agree to accept the organizer’s decision. ▎If, within 24 hours after submission of the registration form, you did not receive a confirmation email notifying you of your successful submission, this could mean that your submission was unsuccessful. In this case, kindly contact the organizer. 【Organizer】 Shi Ne Ling Monastery The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the retreat. Should there be any dispute, Shi Ne Ling Monastery reserves the right to make the final decision. Designated Contact Methods If there are any retreat-related enquiries, please contact: WhatsApp:+6018-919 9096 Wechat ID:godhamma ----------------------------- 靜慮林 Shi Ne Ling Monastery Website: App: ⇽ Previous PageSubmit