義工培訓營 Volunteer Training Camp |第二屆大馬四念處禪修課程Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 5【義工培訓營|第二屆大馬四念處禪修課程】 為了優化及提升課程工作品質,凝聚團結力量,靜慮林特主辦義工培訓營。藉由提升義工們在各領域的專長,以此護持課程順利進行,讓指導老師心無旁騖地授課,也讓學員能安心學習,獲得最大的法益。 ☘️ 【課程日期】2024年3月23日~24日(兩天一夜) ☘️ 【授課師資】音響師、錄影師、茶藝師、咖啡師 ☘️ 【培訓營內容】隆波帕默尊者法談直播、數位音訊混音器及音響技術、錄影技術及音視頻剪輯、茶藝、咖啡師基礎教學、視頻字幕製作、各組討論及匯報。 ☘️ 【地點】KSL Esplanade Hotel, Klang ☘️ 【主辦單位】馬來西亞靜慮林 ☘️ 【報到時間】3月23日(星期六)早上 08:00 ☘️ 【圓滿時間】3月24日(星期日)下午 19:00 ☘️【食宿費用】 ▎ 義工僅需自付酒店餐食及住宿費用。 ▎ 培訓營本身不收取任何費用。 ▎ 食宿費以每位計算,為滿足不同住宿需求,提供下列幾種選擇: ☘️ 【房間選項】 單人住宿 Single Bed Room - 馬幣 RM 350/pax(每人) 雙人住宿 Twin Bed Room - 馬幣 RM 280/pax(每人) ▎ 以上費用僅包含: 3月23日:午餐、晚餐及茶點; 3月24日:早餐、午餐及茶點 🥗 餐食:素食 ▎以上費用不包括: 師資的授課費、食宿費及車油津貼費 材料費如咖啡豆、茶等等 其他費用 ✅ 第 1、2、3項目由靜慮林承擔 ☘️ 參加資格:被錄取的義工。除了行政組、課務組、影視組、VIP組、關懷組成員之外,其餘的組別不強制參加。 【Volunteer Training Camp|The 2nd Malaysia Satipatthana Meditation Retreat】 Shi Ne Ling Monastery is organising a Volunteer Training Camp to improve the expertise of our volunteers in various fields and build camaraderie to optimise and elevate the quality of the upcoming retreat. With enhanced expertise and strength from unity, the smooth execution of the retreat can be assured so that the Ajahns are free to concentrate on teaching without interference, and the students can learn with ease to gain maximal benefits from the Dhamma. ☘️ 【Date】23 to 24 March 2024 (2D1N) ☘️ 【Teaching Team】Sound Engineer, Videographer, Chinese Tea Sommelier, Barista ☘️ 【Contents】Live broadcast of Luangpu Pramote’s Dharma Talk, Digital audio mixer and sound technology, Video technology, Audio and video editing, Art of Chinese tea, Basic barista training, Video subtitle production, Group discussions and reporting. ☘️ 【Venue】KSL Esplanade Hotel, Klang ☘️ 【Organiser】Shi Ne Ling Monastery ☘️ 【Reporting Time】Saturday, 23 March, 8.00am ☘️ 【End Time】Sunday, 24 March, 7.00pm ☘️【Food and Accommodation Fees】 ▎ Volunteers need to pay for the food and accommodation themselves. ▎ Volunteer training teachings are given free of charge. ▎ Food and accommodation fees are calculated on a per person basis. Below are the options to cater to different accommodation needs: ☘️【Room Options】 Single Bed Room – RM 350 per pax Twin Bed Room - RM 280 per pax ▎ The above includes: 23 March: Lunch, Dinner, Tea Break 24 March: Breakfast, Lunch, Tea Break 🥗 Meal: Vegetarian ▎ The above excludes below which will be sponsored by Shi Ne Ling Teaching fees, food and accommodation and fuel allowance for teachers Material cost such as coffee beans, tea, etc. Other expenses ☘️ Eligibility: Admitted volunteers. Attendance is compulsory for the Admin Info Team, Programming team, Videography Team and VIP team. Attendance is optional for the other teams. 下一頁 Next Page ⇾基本资料 Basic Information中文姓名 Chinese Name *英文姓名(護照或身份證名字) English Name (as per passport or ID card) *手機號碼 Mobile Number (E.g. +60101234567)電子郵件 Email *EmailConfirm Email請填寫正確的Email,表單成功提交後,你將收到提交成功的email通知。 Please provide the correct email address so that you will be able to receive an email notification upon successful submission of the form.護照類型 Passport Type *馬來西亞護照 Malaysian Passport非馬來西亞護照 Non-Malaysian Passport身份證號碼(酒店訂房用途)Identity Card Number (for hotel reservation purposes) *護照號碼(酒店訂房用途) Passport Number (for hotel reservation purposes) *⇽ 上一頁 Previous Page下一頁 Next Page ⇾個人健康 Health Declaration為防緊急狀況時能做緊急處理,請如實回答以下問題。所提供之全部資料,絕對保密,並只作課程期間用途。 To ensure emergencies are handled promptly, please answer the following questions truthfully. All provided information will be kept strictly confidential and used only for the duration of the retreat. 您是否患有長期疾病?比如:心臟病、血壓高、糖尿病、癌症、憂鬱症等。Do you have any chronic illnesses? Such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, depression, etc. *是 Yes否 No長期疾病 - 請列出 Chronic Illness - Please list: *您是否對某些食物過敏? Do you have any food allergies? *是 Yes否 No您是對哪些食物過敏,請列下: Please list the food(s) you are allergic to: *您是否對某些藥物過敏?Do you have any drug allergies? *是 Yes否 No您是對哪些藥物過敏,請列下:Please list the drug(s) you are allergic to: *緊急聯絡人姓名 Emergency Contact Name *緊急聯絡人電話 Emergency Contact Number *緊急聯絡人其他的聯絡方式,如WhatsApp, 微信等 Alternative way(s) to reach your emergency contact, such as WhatsApp, WeChat, etc.⇽ 上一頁 Previous Page下一頁 Next Page ⇾培訓營住宿選項 Training Camp Accommodation Options 單人住宿 Single Room 雙人住宿 Twin Room 課程時段 During the Retreat(二天一夜 2 Days and 1 Nights) RM 350(/每人 /pax) RM 280(/每人 /pax) 提前或延長住宿 Before and/or After Retreat RM 160(/每人/每天 /pax/day) RM 80(/每人/每天 /pax/day) 請選擇房型 Please choose the room type *單人住宿 Single Room(馬幣 RM 350)雙人住宿 Twin Room(馬幣 RM 280)Do you have a roommate? *有 Yes沒有(由主辦單位安排,如果無法安排到室友,則需補差額調至單人房)No (The organiser will make arrangements. If a roommate cannot be arranged, you will need to pay the difference for a Single Room)室友姓名 Roommate's Name *需要提早住宿 Do you need early check-in? *需要 Yes不需要 No提早住宿天數 Number of days for early check-in *需要延長住宿?(2024/03/24,含3月25日的早餐)Do you need to extend your hotel stay? (Extension on 24 March is inclusive of breakfast for 25 March) *需要 Yes不需要 No延長住宿天數 Number of days of extension *⇽ 上一頁 Previous Page下一頁 Next Page ⇾請提交表單 Please submit the form感謝您耐心回答以上的問題,請提交表單。 Thank you for your patience in answering the above questions. Please submit the form. ▎僅此聲明本人所填寫的以上資料完全屬實,且同意及接受主辦單位所安排的課程事宜。 ▎I hereby declare that all the information provided is true and accurate. I agree and accept all the decisions and arrangements made by the organiser. ▎倘若您在提交表單後的24小时內,沒有收到表單提交成功的email通知,請檢查垃圾郵件,或表示你可能沒有提交成功,請與主辦單位聯繫。 ▎After submission, you will receive an email notification that the form had been submitted successfully. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours of submission, please check your junk or spam mail box. If the email is not there, it may mean that the form has not have been submitted successfully. Please contact the organiser immediately. ▎主辦單位保有課程變更、異動之權利。如有任何爭議,靜慮林將保留最終決定權。 ▎The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the retreat. In case of disputes, Shi Ne Ling Monastery reserves the right of final decision. 【專用聯繫方式】【Contact Information】 如有任何課程查詢,可透過以下方式詢問: If there are any retreat enquiries, please contact us at 電郵 Email:shineling.retreat@gmail.com WhatsApp:+6018-919 9096 微信 Wechat ID:godhamma ----------------------------- 靜慮林 Shi Ne Ling Monastery Website: dev.shineling.org App: https://www.godhamma.alicloud1688.com/ ⇽ 上一頁 Previous Page提交 Submit