2025 Volunteer Application Form 2025 Volunteer Application Form for the 3rd Malaysian Satipatthana Meditation RetreatPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 4We are honored to welcome Venerable Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo, Phra Ajahn Somchai Kittiyano, Phra Ajahn Krit Nimmalo, Ajahn Oranuch Santayakorn, Ajahn Prasan Bhuddhakulsomsiri, Ajahn Nat Sriwachirawat, Ajahn Nitiya Petchpaibool, Ajahn Kittiya Pholkerd (Ajahn Ooi), and Ajahn Napatpol Kunatanasate (Ajahn Song) to Malaysia in 2025 to sow the seeds of liberation in the hearts of those ready to embark on the path to end suffering. Guided by the compassionate vows of Venerable Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo and all Ajahns, and fueled by dedication to support practitioners on the path to liberation, the Shi Ne Ling Dhamma Protector's Boat has set sail. This journey, filled with challenges and joys, awaits those whose merits, aspirations, and virtues call them aboard. Retreat Details 【The 3rd Malaysian Satipatthana Meditation Retreat】 ☘️ On-site Guiding Teachers: Venerable Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo, Phra Ajahn Somchai Kittiyano, Phra Ajahn Krit Nimmalo, Ajahn Oranuch Santayakorn, Ajahn Prasan Bhuddhakulsomsiri, Ajahn Nat Sriwachirawat, Ajahn Nitiya Petchpaibool, Ajahn Kittiya Pholkerd (Ajahn Ooi), Ajahn Napatpol Kunatanasate (Ajahn Song) ☘️ Online Guiding Teachers: Phra Wannop Khunawanno, Phra Thanusorn Jirasarano (Kruba Mon) ☘️ Retreat Duration: 26 March - 1 April 2025 (7 days 6 nights) ☘️ Volunteer Reporting Date: Saturday, 22 March 2025 ☘️ Retreat Venue: KSL Esplanade Hotel ☘️ Retreat Format: In-person + Online ☘️ Medium of Instruction: Teachings will be delivered in Thai with English and Chinese translations. ☘️ Admission Quota: >500 in-person students; >500 online students ☘️ Organizer: Shi Ne Ling Monastery Please select your role carefully for the 3rd Malaysian Satipatthana Meditation Retreat: *VolunteerStudentVolunteers focus on providing assistance and will not have opportunities for meditation interviews with Ajahns or to accumulate retreat attendance credits. To have interviews with Ajahns and focus on study or practice, please join as a student.Name *Next PageApplication Qualifications and RequirementsVolunteering for the Malaysian Satipatthana Meditation Retreat is a demanding role that requires sacrificing personal comforts, such as sleep, time, and energy, to support others in gaining the benefits of the Dhamma. During the retreat, there are no opportunities for meditation interviews with Ajahns or to accumulate attendance credits, and volunteers must cover their own accommodation and meal costs. In addition to financial and physical contributions, volunteers work late into the night, exerting both mental and physical effort. If joining the volunteer team is intended to expand your network, advance your career, find a partner, earn badges, gain fame or status, win favor with the Ajahns, become close to Luangpu or Ajahns, or seek more meditation interview opportunities...then this role is not suitable for you. Please reconsider carefully. If you are willing to sacrifice personal benefits to volunteer for others and support the Dhamma, you are welcome to complete the application form. Submitting an application form does not guarantee acceptance. Selection is based on factors such as physical and mental health, attitude, character, intention, ability to execute tasks, cooperation, and team harmony. Final acceptance will be determined following review and an interview by the organizer. Intention Assessment1. Do you commit to refraining from defaming, spreading rumors about, criticizing, or showing any disrespect toward Ven. Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo and all guiding Ajahns? * I commit I am not sure 2. If serious misconduct is committed, such as harming guiding teachers, volunteers, or students through actions like sexual harassment, inappropriate touching, defamation, divisive behavior, or verbal and physical violence, appropriate consequences will follow, including termination of the volunteer role and removal from the team. Do you commit to refraining from such actions? * I commit I am not sure 3. Do you commit to refraining from leading or introducing students or volunteers to other teaching lineages for Dhamma learning and from promoting teachings outside of Ven. Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo and the appointed Ajahns' guidance during the retreat, such as energy practices, mysticism, fortune-telling, or feng shui? * I commit I am not sure 4. Without instruction and approval from Ven. Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo, you must not assume the role of a teacher or guide any students. Are you able to comply? * I can comply I believe I am capable of guiding others 5. To allow the guiding Ajahns to preserve their meditative energy for teaching students, do you commit to refraining from using your volunteer role to submit homework or request meditation interviews with Ajahns whenever opportunities arise? * I commit I wish to have meditation interviews with Ajahns 6. All internal information for the Malaysian Satipatthana Retreat, including volunteer and student details, internal tasks, and group communications, is strictly confidential and must not be shared with others or other teams. Can you commit to maintaining the confidentiality of this information? * I will not disclose any information I am not sure 7. Do you commit to returning all retreat assets and items donated for the retreat or monastery at the end of the retreat, without temporarily keeping anything for personal benefit? Personal benefit includes actions such as preventing others from taking preferred volunteer roles, requiring future volunteers to seek your permission, or insisting on consultation. * I commit I believe it’s more suitable for me to keep the items 8. Are you willing to complete the daily assignments given by Ajahns for retreat volunteers? * I am willing I will try I am unable to comply 9. Are you willing to cover your own accommodation and meal expenses during the retreat? * I am willing I have financial difficulties The organizer should cover my accommodation and meal expenses 10. Are you willing to complete assigned tasks on schedule, without shirking responsibility or leaving tasks unfinished without notice? * I am willing to complete tasks on schedule I am not sure 11. Are you willing to proactively report your work progress to the team leader to ensure smooth communication, without withholding information to avoid oversight? * I am willing to report and communicate I prefer not to have my work overseen 12. Are you willing to accept reviews and edits on designs, content, reports, videos, etc., and to avoid delaying submissions until the last minute to prevent revisions? * I am willing My work is the best and should not be modified 13. When the team leader requests information or materials related to your tasks, are you willing to respond promptly, provide the necessary details, and actively cooperate, rather than ignoring or delaying responses? * I am willing to respond promptly I prefer to handle things my own way 14. The retreat preparation process requires frequent reporting and consultation with Ajahns, and all instructions from the team leader follow their guidance. If certain instructions differ from your opinions, are you willing to set aside your views and cooperate with the team? * I am willing to cooperate It depends 15. Since retreat tasks must be completed within a specific timeframe, if your assigned work cannot be finished due to certain factors, are you willing to accept adjustments and allow someone else to take over without feeling resentful or reacting negatively? * I am willing to accept task adjustments I feel this is disrespectful 16. If you are dissatisfied with certain decisions, do you commit to refraining from creating discord, defaming, misrepresenting facts, dividing the team, forming cliques, encouraging others to overturn decisions, or using outside influence to achieve desired outcomes? * I commit to fully cooperate I do not compromise 17. Do you commit to not creating any additional WhatsApp groups outside the official one, and to not pulling team members away from the main team or forming cliques? * I commit I prefer to go my own way 18. If appointed as a group leader, are you willing to share your experience, submit work documents, and provide a review report to help prevent issues in future retreats? * I am willing to share my experience I prefer not to share; my team will not have any issues 19. Access to work platforms provided during the retreat will be removed once the retreat concludes. Can you accept this without any resentment? * I can accept I cannot accept 20. The retreat team does not accept unapproved volunteers. Please do not allow others to join without an interview and approval. Are you able to comply with this? * I can comply I do not accept 21. Volunteers are on the front line and are viewed as part of the Shi Ne Ling Monastery volunteer team, representing the disciples of Ven. Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo and the guiding Ajahns. Therefore, conduct and speech should be appropriate and respectful. Volunteers are expected not to use their position to intimidate, act arrogantly, show off, or scold others rudely. They should treat both students and fellow volunteers with respect, courtesy, and compassion. * I can comply This is part of my unchangeable personality Please stay tuned for registration details for the 3rd Malaysian Satipatthana Meditation Retreat. (Please go to the next page) Previous PageNext PagePersonal InformationPlease complete the following information carefully:Name (Chinese) *Name (English) *Gender *MaleFemaleDate of Birth *DD12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031MM123456789101112YYYY20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Age *Nationality *Location/State *Email *Mobile Phone Number *Education Level *PrimarySecondaryDiplomaBachelor'sMaster'sPhDOtherMajor *Please specify (Education Level - Other) *Employment Status *StudentEmployedFreelancerHomemakerRetiredUnemployedOtherPlease specify your profession or job details *Please specify (Employment Status - Other) *Please upload a personal photograph * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please complete the student registration form when enrollment opens for the 3rd Malaysian Satipatthana Meditation Retreat. (Please go to the next page) Previous PageNext PageDhamma Study Background and Volunteer Application1. Have you personally traveled to Thailand to attend a Satipatthana meditation retreat under Ven. Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo’s teaching lineage? *YesNo2. Have you ever participated in the Malaysian Satipatthana Meditation Retreat as an officially accepted student? *YesNo3. Have you attended an online Satipatthana meditation retreat under Ven. Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo’s teaching lineage? *YesNo4. Have you attended the monthly Zoom meditation interview sessions and received one-on-one guidance from Ajahns appointed by Ven. Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo, such as Ajahn Prasan Bhuddhakulsomsiri, Ajahn Nat Sriwachirawat, Ajahn Nitiya Petchpaibool, Ajahn Kittiya Pholkerd (Ajahn Ooi), Ajahn Napatpol Kunatanasate (Ajahn Song)? *YesNo5. Are you interested in Ven. Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo’s teachings, have benefited from them, and are willing to help spread the Dhamma? *YesNo6. Have you previously participated in Dhamma volunteer work under Ven. Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo’s teaching lineage? *YesNoPlease list the tasks and team names you have participated in. *7. Are you a Satipatthana meditation retreat volunteer under Ven. Luangpu Pramote’s teaching lineage? *CurrentlyFormerlyNoPlease list your current tasks and the retreat team/country you are part of. *Please list past tasks, the year you undertook them, and the retreat team name. *8. Have you ever served as a volunteer in Buddhist or community activities? *YesNoPlease list the activities and tasks you have been involved in. *9. What tasks are you skilled in? (Select all that apply) *Database ManagementForm CreationData Chart CreationVideographyPhotographyVideo Editing/ProductionAudio EditingProfessional Sound and Lighting SetupWriting/Reporting/EditingGraphic DesignBook Layout DesignTranslation (Written/Oral)ProgrammingApp DevelopmentWebsite DevelopmentAI TechnologyIT SupportZoom BroadcastingEvent SupportEquipment ManagementAdministrative PlanningFinance/AccountVenue Setup/PlanningTransportation and Shuttle ServicesMedical SupportGeneral AffairsProcurementWarehouse/Inventory ManagementMedia Platform OperationsHandmade Gift ProductionMeal Preparation/CateringGraphic/3D DesignIllustrationAttendantTour GuideOtherDo you have your own video equipment? *YesNoDo you have your own photography equipment? *YesNoDo you have any writing, reporting, or editing work samples? *YesNoPlease list your work samples.Do you have any book layout work samples? *YesNoPlease list your work samples.Please list the languages you are proficient in for translation. *Please list any translation work samples (if available).Please upload your illustration samples. Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. Medical Qualifications *Traditional Chinese Medicine LicenseWestern Medicine LicenseNursing LicensePlease specify (Other) *10. Which stages of the retreat volunteer work are you willing to participate in? (Select all that apply) *Preparation Phase (3-6 months prior to the retreat)On-site Assistance (Starting 22 March 2025)Post-retreat Phase (Up to one month after the retreat ends)11. Given your current situation, how much time can you dedicate to Dhamma service each week? *For example: number of hours per week / number of days per week / hours per day.12. Are you willing to take on the role of group leader? *YesNoFollow InstructionsThe group leader carries additional responsibilities. The following traits are unsuitable for this role: arrogance, refusal to execute plans, lack of delegation, failure to support team members, ignoring or withholding upper-level instructions, poor communication, acting independently, misuse of authority, favoritism, exclusion of talent, shirking responsibility, taking undue credit, concealing mistakes, acting autocratically, and leading team members away from the core mission.13. Which tasks are you interested in undertaking during the retreat? (Select all that apply) *Data TeamCourse Team (Onsite)Course Team (Online)Pre-Retreat Cultivation TeamFinance TeamCare Team (Medical)Care Team (Epidemic Prevention)Care Team (Meals)Care Team (Accommodation)Care Team (Volunteers)IT TeamRegistration TeamInformation DeskVIP Reception/AttendantTransportation TeamEmcee TeamPhotography TeamVideo Recording TeamAudio-Visual TeamDesign TeamDhamma Book Distribution TeamGifts TeamGeneral Affairs TeamProcurement TeamVenue TeamTranslation TeamCleaning TeamPost-Event TeamAny, willing to follow assignment14. Why are you interested in volunteering for this retreat? *15. Please describe your personality, including whether you have a strong sense of responsibility, can adapt well to teamwork, and are willing to cooperate and follow guidance, or if you are more inclined to work independently. *Anumodana 🙏 ▎I hereby declare that all the information provided is true and accurate. Thank you for your patience in answering the above questions. Please proceed to submit the form. ---------------------------- 靜慮林 Shi Ne Ling Monastery WhatsApp:+6018-919 9096 Email:shineling118@gmail.com Website: dev.shineling.org App: www.godhamma.alicloud1688.com/ Previous PageSubmit