Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo
หลวงปู่ปราโมทย์ ปาโมชฺโช

隆波帕默尊者,1952 年出生於泰國首都曼谷市。
7 歲時跟隨泰國著名禪修大師隆波李尊者學習觀呼吸的修行方法,後又得到多位上座部禪修大師的禪修指導如隆布敦長老、隆波蒲尊者、隆布特長老、隆布辛長老、隆布布詹長老、以及隆布蘇瓦長老等。
2001 年 6 月,在蘇里府的菩提寺出家。2006 年後在泰國春布理府(Chon Buri)是拉查市(Si Racha)解脫園寺(Wat Suan Santidham)擔任住持至今。
自 2014 年開始,尊者每年都在解脫園寺為前來泰國學習佛法的各國學員指導禪修,深受中國學員歡迎。
About Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo
Luangpu or Luang Pu literally means “Revered Grandfather” . This is the title of respect that Thai people address an older monk.
Luangpu Pramote Pamojjo is a highly respected and appreciated Dhamma teacher. His teachings are especially appealing to modern urban people, helping them to become successful mindfulness and insight practitioners despite their busy lifestyles.
Although he offers a complete practice, emphasis is given to the development of strong mindfulness for effective Vipassana Practice. He teaches that Samatha (concentration meditation) and Vispassana (insight meditation) are interdependent and that both are necessary for Dhamma practice, provided there is an understanding of when and how to use them effectively.
He teaches the Dhamma to avid practitioners looking to truly understand the middle way and to progress in their practice. Bangkok residents set out on an hour and a half drive in the darkness of the early morning to arrive before sunrise and line up outside Luangpu’s center to get a good seat to listen to his teachings, express their concerns regarding their own practice and receive individual advice – a custom that has been coined “submitting their homework” for the headmaster to fine-tune or modify.
Luangpu’s style is easy, relaxed and intuitive. This allows him to guide the meditators in developing the skills they need to apply to his teaching and become self-sufficient Dhamma practitioners.
He has had many teachers in the Thai forest monk tradition, but regards Luangpu Dune as his primary teacher. Luangpu Dune was one of the first students of the legendary Ajahn Mun Bhūridatto.
Luangpu Pramote lives at Wat Suan Santidham where he guides his own monks, visiting monks and his large lay Sangha.