Accommodation and Meals Registration Form The 2nd Malaysia Satipatthana Meditation Retreat 中文版本 English Version Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 5☘️ 【Retreat Duration】 5 Days 4 Nights Reporting Time: Friday, 12 April 2024, 7:00am End Time: Tuesday, 16 April 2024, 6:00pm ☘️ 【Accommodation & Meal Fees】 ▎ Room Options Single Room - RM 1,250 per pax Twin Room - RM 980 per pax ▎The above fees include: 5 Days 4 Nights’ Accommodation (Check in on 12 April, Check out on 16 April); 12 April: Lunch, Dinner and Tea Break 13 to 15 April: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Tea Break 16 April: Breakfast and Lunch ▎The above fees does not include: Tourism Tax imposed by the Malaysian Government for all foreign passport holders for daily hotel stays in Malaysia. Airport transfers. Rental fees for translation booth, devices, receivers, audio and video equipment. Expenses incurred for COVID prevention, administration, teachers and translators flight, food and accommodation etc. ✅ Items 2, 3 and 4 will be borne by the organiser. ☘️ 【Accommodation Before and After the Retreat】 ▎Room Options Single Room - RM 160 per room per night Twin Room - RM 80 per pax per night *The above accommodation fees are inclusive of breakfast. ⛳️ To avoid the inconvenience of moving luggage due to room changes, please choose the same room option for the entire duration of your stay, including the extensions before and after the retreat. ⛳️ The registration will start early at 7:00am on 12 April. Hence, if you are travelling from overseas or other states in Malaysia, it is recommended that you arrive by 11 April to get sufficient rest in order to minimise travel fatigue that can affect the quality of your class attendance. The organiser has secured special rates for extended stays before and after the retreat. It is recommended that you book your extensions through the organiser in advance. If the booking is delayed and the hotel is fully booked, students will need to arrange their own accommodation. Next Page ⇾Basic InformationPlease consider carefully before filling in the information truthfully. Due to the terms and conditions of the hotel, withdrawal of registration after payment is made, is non-refundable and non-transferable. Thank you for your understanding. Student ID *Chinese Name (as per passport or ID card) *Please fill in the name from your registration form.English Name (as per passport or ID card) *Please fill in the name from your registration form.Email *EmailConfirm EmailPlease fill in the correct email address as notification for the successful submission of the form will be sent through this email address.Passport Type *Malaysian PassportNon-Malaysian PassportIdentity Card Number (for hotel reservation purposes) *Passport Number (for hotel reservation purposes) *⇽ Previous PageNext Page ⇾Health DeclarationPlease answer the following questions truthfully so that emergencies can be dealt with promptly. All information provided will be used solely for the purpose of organising this retreat and will be kept strictly confidential. Do you have any chronic illnesses? Such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, depression, etc. *YesNoChronic Illness - Please list: *Do you have any food allergies? *YesNoPlease list the food(s) you are allergic to: *Do you have any drug allergies? *YesNoPlease list the drug(s) you are allergic to: *Emergency Contact Name *Emergency Contact Number *Alternative way(s) to reach your emergency contact, such as WhatsApp, WeChat, etc.Please confirm that you fully accept the following pandemic prevention measures for the retreat: ▎If a student test positive and is contagious a few days before the retreat, the student must withdraw from the retreat. ▎If a student test positive onsite before or during the retreat, they must self-isolate in their hotel room and attend the retreat online. They are not allowed to attend the retreat or have their meals in the presence of other students. Students who chose Twin Room must moved to a Single Room for isolation. Any additional costs incurred due to isolation must be borne by the student. ▎If a student develops COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness, headache, sore throat, etc., they must undergo the individual COVID-19 test conducted by the organiser. Even if the test is negative, the student will be separated from the other students and moved to the back of the hall. ▎Rapid antigen test before and during the retreat. ▎Wear masks throughout the retreat. Please pledge *I am willing to comply with the above pandemic prevention measures.⇽ Previous PageNext Page ⇾Retreat Accommodation and MealsMeal Options👉 Please choose a meal option according to your regular eating habits. 👉 As the amount of vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals will be prepared based on the ratio of students' choices, please keep to your choice of meals during the retreat. You are not allowed to switch between vegetarian/non-vegetarian sections to pick your food. Please choose your meal option *VegetarianNon-VegetarianDo you observe the no-food-after-midday precept? *YesNoAccommodation Options Single Room Twin Room During the Retreat(5 Days and 4 Nights) RM 1250/pax RM 980/pax Before and/or After Retreat RM 160/pax/day RM 80/pax/day This form no longer automatically calculates fees. Please use the following calculator to compute your accommodations and meals expenses, and make a remittance based on the calculation results. Accommodation and Meals Calculator Room type Single room Double room Early check-in (days) Late check-out (days) Passport type Malaysian Passport Non-Malaysian Passport Currency Malaysian Ringgit (RM) Singapore Dollar (SGD) Chinese Yuan (CNY) Taiwan Dollar (TWD) Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) 計算 Accommodation Fees: (RM) Tourism Tax: (RM) Total Amount: 📌 The hotel rooms are rather small at 21.35 square meters. If you prefer to have a personal space for practice and to avoid COVID-19 infection, it is recommended to choose a Single Room. Please choose the room type *Single Room (RM 1250)Twin Room (RM 980)Do you have a roommate? *YesNo (The organiser will make arrangements. If a roommate cannot be arranged, you will need to pay the difference for a Single Room)Roommate's Student ID *Roommate's Name *Do you need early check-in? *YesNoNumber of days for early check-in *Early Check-in ReminderDo you need to extend your hotel stay? *YesNoNumber of days of extension *Extended Accommodation ReminderPayment Methods *Credit Card (Include up to 4% + RM1 transaction fee payable to the payment platform)Offline Bank TransferCurrency for Bank TransferMalaysian Ringgit (RM)Singapore Dollar (SGD)Chinese Yuan (CNY)Taiwan Dollar (TWD)Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)Accommodation FeesPrice: RM0.00Tourism TaxPrice: RM0.00Malaysian Government Policy: Non-Malaysian passport holders are required to pay a Malaysian tourism tax of RM10 per night.Online Payment Handling FeesPrice: RM0.00(Include up to 4% + RM1 transaction fee payable to the payment platform)Total Amount (Malaysian Ringgit RM)RM0.00Total AmountStripe Credit Card *Bank Transfer Information: Malaysia Bank Account Bank: Public Bank Berhad Account Number: 3814714401 Account Name: Pertubuhan Meditasi Shi Ne Ling Malaysia SWIFT Code: PBBEMYKL Bank Transfer Information: Singapore Bank Account Bank: POSB Account Number: 441-25956-5 Account Name: CHANG XIU MEI Bank Transfer Information: Alipay Account Number: 1898080 Account Name: 曹青龙 Bank Transfer Information: Taiwan Bank Account Bank: Cooperative Bank (Banxin Branch) Account Number: 5311765928692 Account Name: LIEW YI LING Bank Transfer Information: Hong Kong Bank Account Bank: HSBC Account Number: 005-4-126263 Account Name: LAM Ming Yu Please upload the bank transfer receipt (Please indicate the Student ID under ‘Remarks’ section to facilitate financial reconciliation) * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Image upload size should not exceed 2MB⇽ Previous PageNext Page ⇾Please submit the formThank you for your patience in answering the above questions. Please submit the form. ▎I hereby declare that all the information provided is true and accurate. I agree and accept all the decisions and arrangements made by the organiser. ▎After submission, you will receive an email notification that the form had been submitted successfully. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours of submission, please check your junk or spam mail box. If the email is not there, it may mean that the form has not have been submitted successfully. Please contact the organiser immediately. ▎The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the retreat. In case of disputes, Shi Ne Ling Monastery reserves the right of final decision. 【Contact Information】 If there are any retreat enquiries, please contact us at Email: WhatsApp: +6018-919 9096 WeChat ID: godhamma ----------------------------- 靜慮林 Shi Ne Ling Monastery Website: App: ⇽ Previous PageSubmit